ecotoken [$ECO]

Groundbreaking ICO project dedicated to environmental sustainability and conservation. In a world where the need for urgent climate action is more evident than ever, ECO aims to leverage blockchain technology to motivate individuals, businesses, and organizations to adopt eco-friendly practices and make a positive impact on the planet.

ecotoken [$ECO]




$ 0,46

started on:

1 Sep, 2023

ended on:

1 Oct, 2023

total raised:

$ 1,004,124



total tokens:



$ 1,000,000





key features

Eco-Friendly Incentives
ECO offers a unique system of incentives where participants can earn ECO tokens for engaging in various environmentally conscious activities.

These activities can range from reducing personal carbon footprints, recycling, using sustainable products, or supporting local conservation efforts.
Token Utility
ECO tokens have multiple utilities within the ecosystem. Participants can use ECO tokens to purchase eco-friendly products and services from partnering businesses, offset their carbon emissions, and support reforestation and wildlife conservation projects.
Transparent Blockchain
ECO operates on a transparent and secure blockchain, ensuring that all transactions and activities are recorded immutably.

This transparency builds trust among participants, as they can verify the impact of their contributions and the allocation of tokens.
Community and Partnerships
EcoToken fosters a strong community of like-minded individuals and environmentally conscious businesses. Partnerships with organizations that focus on sustainability and conservation help expand the reach and impact of the project.


Environmental Impact
By participating in ECO, individuals and entities actively contribute to environmental causes and reduce their carbon footprint.

This promotes a sense of responsibility and creates a tangible impact
Financial Incentives
Participants not only benefit the environment but also earn ECO tokens, which can have real monetary value.

This creates an additional incentive for widespread adoption.
Access to Green Solutions
ECO tokens provide access to eco-friendly products and services, making it easier for people to adopt sustainable lifestyles.
Transparency and Trust
The use of blockchain technology ensures the transparency of all transactions and activities, creating a high level of trust within the community.


EcoToken's vision is to become a global force for positive environmental change. By motivating people and organizations to embrace sustainable practices, ECO aims to drive global efforts to combat climate change, conserve ecosystems, and promote responsible stewardship of the Earth.

other ICO

ecotoken [$ECO]
project dedicated to environmental sustainability and conservation




$ 0,46

started on:

1 Sep, 2023

ended on:

1 Oct, 2023

total raised:

$ 1,004,124

